The Historic Church
The Chapel of the HOly SPirit
Where We Meet
Christ Church Glendale is located at 965 Forest Avenue in Glendale, Ohio. Our
8 AM and 11 AM Services are held in the Historic Church. The Historic Church is the original 1869 building, which was added onto in 1915 (chancel and bell tower). Its design and function is traditional, including wood pews and beautiful stained glass. Our 9 AM Service is held in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit. This space, built in 2014, is contemporary in design and flexible in function. All of the furniture is movable, and the setup is changed throughout the year. Restrooms are located just down the hall from the Chapel, and in All Saints’ Hall behind the Church. All buildings are handicap accessible. Parking is available in two lots next to the church, as well as in the front circle drive (handicap only).
What To Expect
All of our services use the framework provided by the Book of Common Prayer. The 8 AM service (Rite I) lasts about 45 minutes and has no music. The 9 AM service (Rite II) lasts about 55 minutes and uses the pipe organ and grand piano. The 11 AM service (Rite II) lasts about 70 minutes and features music by the Parish Choir and the Bell Choir. A printed leaflet provides all of the info you need to participate fully in the service (including when to sit and stand!). All of the music is traditional, taken from the three hymnals used by the Episcopal Church. Communion is offered at all services and is open to all baptized Christians.
What To Wear
There is no set rule—dress as you are most comfortable, whether that is a pair of shorts or a suit and tie. You’ll see that and everything in between on any given Sunday. The clergy and choir wear traditional vestments.
As a first-time or returning visitor, we want you to know you are welcome at Christ Church Glendale. We will not make you stand up and introduce yourself during the service, nor will you be required to take communion or sing all the verses of a hymn! Please feel free to experience our church at the pace you want. An usher will give you a welcome folder with more information about us and our ministries. A nursery, located near the Chapel, is available for the 9 AM & 11 AM services for all children ages 4 and under.