Outreach Commission: Love Your Neighbor Opportunities

The Outreach Commission is sponsoring special attention to the theme of “love your neighbor” for the remaining weeks of the Epiphany season. Each Sunday, we will have a specific “event” on loving a neighbor.

January 27- “Love all of our neighbors”

Please come to the Olivia House to make Valentine cards. Make some cards to give to any of your neighbors signed from Christ Church Glendale and/or make cards and leave them to be sent out by the Outreach Commission. Cards will be sent out by the commission to shut-ins and elderly in the community. If you miss this week, supplies will be on the Outreach table in All Saints Hall to make cards throughout the month.

February 3- “Love our hungry neighbor”

Let’s surprise our hungry neighbors with cereal! Bring your cereal donations for Valley Interfaith Community Resource Center. Let’s overwhelm them with love! Just bring the cereal to baskets at Church entrances.

February 10- “Love our homeless neighbor”

Please bring socks! Socks will be donated to the Medical Volunteers of Cincinnati to provide to our homeless neighbor after each session of their foot care ministry. All socks are welcomed, but there is a great need for extra-large socks. If you don’t want to shop, drop a cash envelope in the collection for “homeless neighbor” and socks will be purchased and donated. Drop off socks at the Outreach table.

February 17- “Love our immigrant neighbor”

Please bring cash or Amazon Gift cards to be donated to the Centro de Solidaridad de los Willows! The donations will support the learning center for tutoring and English classes. Help to support their garden initiative for the Spring with donations. Please drop the gift cards into the collection and if cash, put in an envelope marked for “immigrant neighbor.”

February 24- “Love our youngest neighbor”

Please bring diapers! We will be donating the diapers to Valley Interfaith if needed there or to Sweet Cheeks Diaper Bank. Please bring any leftover diapers. If you are buying a pack, please bring size 4, 5, 6 and pull-ups. If you don’t want to shop, drop a cash envelope in the collection for “young neighbor” and diapers will be purchased and donated. Please bring diapers to the basket at the Outreach Table.