Lectors at Christ Church Glendale
Lectors are lay people who read the lessons appointed for the day from the Old and New Testaments at the 8:00 AM, 9:00 AM, and 11:00 AM Sunday services as well at Evensong and special services.
Lectors are lay people who read the lessons appointed for the day from the Old and New Testaments at the 8:00 AM, 9:00 AM, and 11:00 AM Sunday services as well at Evensong and special services.
Christ Church Glendale is an Episcopal Congregation in the Diocese of Southern Ohio.
8:00 AM - In-person worship in the Historic Church (Rite I, no music)
9:00 AM - In-person in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit (Rite II, with organ music)
11:00 AM - In-person & webcast worship in the Historic Church (Rite II, with organ and choir)
Local TV The 9AM service is also broadcast on Spectrum Ch 8 on the following Wed @ 8am, Fri @ 12pm and Sun @ 6pm.
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965 Forest Avenue
Glendale, OH 45246
(513) 771-1544