The mission of the Christ Church Glendale Pastoral Care Commission is “to be the presence of Christ in caring for one another.” The purpose of the commission is to take care of one another within the congregation. These services will be handled with discretion and respect for privacy. If you would like more information or have a need for yourself or a family member regarding any of these offerings, please call the church office and the Parish Administrator will get in touch with the appropriate coordinator. The Following ministries are ways in which we offer care and help to members.
Commission Members:
Penny Young – Chair & Stephen Ministry Lieberman - Vestry Liaison
Gina Blasco – Feed My Sheep
Chris Boerup - Healing Touch
Bill Sedwick – Helping Hands
Jackie Engelbert – Telephone Ministry
Feed My Sheep – Feed My Sheep offers meals to members of the parish who could use such assistance during times of recuperation, birth of a newborn or family emergency.
Healing Touch – Healing Touch is an energy therapy based on relationships of caring. Practitioners use their hands in a consciously heart-centered and intentional way to enhance, support and facilitate physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health and self-healing. Light or near body touch is used to clear, balance and energize the human energy system and promote healing for mind, body and spirit. Most people experience a deep sense of relaxation and peace as the session proceeds.
Helping Hands – This ministry serves elderly or home-bound parishioners who need minor tasks accomplished in their home. Tasks could include such jobs as changing overhead light bulbs or smoke alarm batteries, installing a grab bar or other very basic home repairs.
Stephen Ministry – Stephen Ministers are trained lay persons who provide confidential one-to-one Christian care giving to those who are hurting from a crisis or new transition in their lives, such as grief, serious illness, family upheavals or other life transforming issues. Stephen Ministers, who have completed 50 hours of training and meet monthly for continuing education. They support the clergy by committing to participate in specific one on one confidential caring relationships, walking with people during difficult times. (More information about Stephen Ministry in general can be found at this national website
Telephone Ministry – Members keep in touch by phone with some of our home-bound parishioners or those who may have returned home from a hospital or rehabilitation stay. The purpose is to minimize their isolation and to maintain their connection to the church.
Programs and support groups - The Pastoral Care Commission also presents speakers, and at times, sponsors support groups for parishioners. Currently, the Aging with Grace variety of topics related to aging - which we all hope to do with grace!