Compline is a simple office said at the end of the day which includes a confession of sins, one or more psalms, a short reading from scripture, versicles and responses, the Lord's Prayer, collects which ask for God's protection during the night to come, and the canticle Nunc dimittis.
Christ Church Glendale has put together an Order for Lenten Compline to use during Lent this year. You can download a PDF copy of it here.
Below you will find links to YouTube videos recorded by Christ Church Glendale parishioners of Compline for each day of the week.
What Is Compline?
Compline for Sunday Evening
Psalm 91 / Hebrews 13:20-21
Compline for Monday Evening
Psalm 4 / Jeremiah 14:9,22
Compline for Tuesday Evening
Psalm 31 / Matthew 11:28-30
Compline for Wednesday Evening
Psalm 91 / Hebrews 13:20-21
Compline for Thursday Evening
Psalm 134 / 1 Peter 5:8-9a
Compline for Friday Evening
Psalm 4 / Jeremiah 14:9,22
Compline for Saturday Evening
Psalm 31 / Matthew 11:28-30