The mission of the CCG Stewardship Commission is to encourage CCG members in our thankful response to all that God has entrusted to us.

The Stewardship Commission focuses on the support of the ministries and mutual life we share as parishioners of this church through the offering of our time, talent and treasure. Every year we plan and publicize our Every Member Canvass (EMC) for the financial support of the annual operating budget. From time to time we also place a special focus on the giving of our time and talent as each of us offers our personal response to the mission and ministries of CCG.

In early 2017, we established a Legacy Giving program to publicize the opportunities we all have to provide a planned gift for the benefit of our church’s three endowment funds. The vestry has appointed Tom Chester as Legacy Gift Coordinator. Tom, as well as the rector, treasurer, and wardens, can provide additional information about this program. Additional information is also available from the following website:

Commission Members: